
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

January 14, 2021

Synchromystical and Randonautical Discoveries?
Joshua Lengfelder
of Randonautica
Listening to the latest 'Nite Drift' podcast where Joshua Lengfelder talks about using the Randonautica app certainly was interesting, not that I'll be using the app anytime soon though, because I'm too old school to be cool when it comes to my phone telling me where to go I'm afraid.
Randonaut 187?
Owl COINcidence?
Randonauts: Explore The World You Never Knew Existed?
2:22 on 2/22?
Released on 2/22/2020?
Probably just another coincidence 2?-)
My son once did some Geocaching one day when I was out with him and he found an owl trinket in an Eclipse tin, which he gave me and I still have hanging above the left-hand side of my computer screen.
I also like how Joshua talks about randomly finding a crowbar in that podcast, as that reminds me of a random walk I did in Sydney that started from a Crow bar when I was off to watch my football team play a game back in 2016:-)
A [RandomWalk Through Centennial Park and Then Off to the Football
And another time when we went searching for Powerful Owls my son found and gave me a calling card for an observatory.
'Fighting' Stars Create Stunning Visual Spectacle?
green eye?
The Lord of the Rings and the Mind's Eye?
Euphomet DISPATCH Podcast: 
Hidden Experience with Mike Clelland?
Who needs a Randonaut app when you get random guidance like I do?-)
And if you get lost while out Randonauting ... don't forget to phone home:-)
The Planet Isn't Going Anywhere. WE ARE!?

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