
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

January 6, 2021

Burgers, Missing Loved Ones, Holidays, Movies ... and Would You Like Minimum Fries or Hot Chips with That?

A burger business with star power
 is about to hit 

The Wahl-let?
The Dead Life Podcast with Allison DuBois
Well, this has been one synchromystic week for me personally, as far as Allison DuBois syncs go.
I picked up 'We Are Their Heaven: Why the Dead Never Leave Us' which has been laying on my bedside table and was buried under about six other books stacked on my bedside table, and I opened the book to where I had placed a bookmark where I had left off a few years ago to find I was on page 51 at the time.
I did this the same day I saw in the news that actor Mark Wahlberg was going to open his burger joints in Australia with the 'United Cinema' chain.
Unfortunately for me, the only cinema in my hometown that will have a 'Wahlburgers' will be right across town at a cinema I can't remember the last time I saw a movie at. 
Some of what's playing now at the
 United Cinemas Eldorado Cinema
The only meat I eat now is seafood, so while my sons would like the burgers at 'Wahlburgers' I'd probably just grab a drink and a minimum chips/fries:-)
The Bullsh*t Machine and the Path to Enlightenment with a Bag of Hot Chips?
Kobe Bryant/Daddy's Home/Australia Day?
My brother gave me a $50 EVENT Cinemas gift card someone had given him for a Christmas present, and since he doesn't like going to the cinema, he gave it to me, so I took my youngest son to the movies last night to a cinema I had never been to before.
My son wanted to grab a bite to eat, so we sat down in a chicken joint called 'Nandos', and since I don't eat chicken, I just ordered a beer and a bowl of hot chips, while my son ate a Chicken Cheese Burger and a bowl of hot chips:-)
The interesting Wahl art I was facing in the 'Nandos' shop:-)
We then climbed the stairway to heaven to go and see the new Australian movie 'The Dry' and ironically it rained all the way on the drive home after the movie was over:-)
Yesterday I climbed the cinematic stairway to heaven?-)
Actually, I just rode up on the escalator to heaven instead;-) 
I only started reading Allison DuBois books a few years back because the actress who plays her in the TV show 'Medium' shares April 8th as a birthday with my father, and his mother (my Nan) passed away in the 90s on his birthday.
Did the "Pop Oracle" Forecast Patricia Arquette's Success in the Movie "Boyhood" Back in 2010?
I'm not sure just how much of Allison's stories are true, but I certainly am having a lot of synchronicities reading her books right now.
2000 Days: AS Time Goes By?
The Book Angel (of Death?) and the Shadow Side of Life?
The exit SIGN on the way out of
Bribie Island Butterfly House
It's Not the Number of Moments That Make Up Life ...?

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