
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

January 7, 2021

“The Story I’d Always Been Looking For” ... or Was It Always Looking For You?-)

I had given up on the 'Lucid Cafe' podcast ever returning after such a long break.
So I had flicked it off my Apple podcast list a few months back, like I often do with podcasts that have appeared to have come to an end, or podcasts that I once liked, but I have lost interest in.
Lucid Cafe Podcast:
The Story I’d Always Been Looking For
For some reason I checked the podcast site a week or two ago and Wendy was podcasting again and had a podcast featuring the author of the book 'Winter of the Wolf', a book I wrote about in this post a few months ago -
An interesting conversation I thought, and have put the 'Lucid Cafe' podcast back on my podcast list ... since I have found it once more;-)


  1. Yeah, it is Trish.
    I'm not really into 'Duran Duran' or 'U2', but the 'Hungry Like a Wolf' song/video is a good example of just who is the hunter and the hunted in that situation, plus the video starts off in a Cafe/Bar where the singer becomes progressively "Lucid" in his quest/hunt:-)
    And as far as the 'U2' song goes, I like how it was shot around a casino, and I still think Bono still has no idea what he is looking for in life, because he can't see past his big ego yet:-)
    I've not read 'Winter of the Wolf', and to be honest I'm not into wolves as a totem animal.
    The book sounds intriguing to me, though not personally compelling enough for me to want to buy or read the book anytime soon.
    I have enough books on my shelf right now that I do feel compelled to read, and it's now or never.
    I hope your year has been happy so far, but I just saw that Trump supporter shit show at the Capital Building on the news, and I'm glad to be over here on the other side of the world in a rather sane country.
    I hope we never go down the path of The "United" States:-(
