
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

January 15, 2021

The Reality of Dreaming ... and Nighttime Visitors?

Nothing like having a-lie-n'?
I recently listened to two interesting podcasts about dreaming, one was an Allison DuBois podcast episode titled 'Dream On', and the other was a 'Mysterious Universe' podcast episode titled 
I also started  watching 'The Stand' reboot, which was directed by Josh Boone, who I've mentioned in an old post of mine, when he interviewed Whitley Strieber, and it is well known that
Stephen King mined a lot of his fictional stories from his own dreams and nightmares -
Apart from all the dick and vag jokes in the MU podcast I found myself resonating with the MU guys when they talked about trying to recall dreams.
I've kept a pad and pencil on my bedside table for years now, and my pad is still unmarked.
I just can't recall my dreams when I wake up no matter how hard I try to recall them.
And interestingly Allison DuBois has written many times in her books that she can rarely recall her dreams either.
The creators of the TV show 'Medium' just felt it would be easier for the viewers to convey her psychic visions as dreams.
I know that I do dream, but I just can't recall most times what I dream about.
The amount of times that I have recalled a significant dream as an adult I could probably count on the fingers of my two hands.
Oh well, I guess it could be worse and that I could be having the opposite problem of recalling nightmares, or having bouts of sleep paralysis and confusing reality with the dream-state and then being too afraid to go to sleep at night.
But then again, where does reality and the dream-state end and sleep begin?
I'll have to sleep on it I guess, not that it will do me any good in the mourning though:-)
The Planet Isn't Going Anywhere. WE ARE!?
Sleep Paralysis and Nightmares

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