
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

December 24, 2021

All Aboard With the Queensland Health Minister for Christmas and the New Year Queensland?-)

Is that a steam train behind
Qld. Health Minister?
2021, the Year of the Ox/Bull:-)
I had to laugh when the team from Bluesfest sent me a Christmas greeting e-mail (to get me to buy some tickets for a third attempt to get Bluesfest on track, after having to de-rail plans for 2020 & 2021 thanks to Covid) with links to You Tube Christmas videos featuring some of their past ... and hopefully future performers.
Dami Im literally lives just up the road from me here in Queensland.   
And I had already seen Paul Kelly's 'How to Make Gravy' You Tube, and written a post about 'Gravy Day' and the irony of Paul Kelly having the same name as the Australian Chief-Medical Officer
Paul Kelly -
And I had just read a news story which featured the Queensland Health Minister standing in front of a steam train talking about his plans for the Christmas/New Year period as far as Queensland's Covid plans go, and I was wondering if he was on the right track there ... and not long after I get this suggestion from the Bluesfest team -   
Paul Kelly’s Christmas Trainalbum sees him work with some special guests, Kasey Chambers, Dan Kelly, Emma Donovan, Kate Miller-Heidke and Linda and Vika Bull.
We’ve chosen this rockin’ gemPaul on backing vocals.. and dynamite Vika Bull powering through the title track:
Christmas Train’.
I'll say that they have chosen a doozy alright:-)
My gut feeling is that the Australian Health Ministers have truly underestimated what the Omicron variant can do to a country like Australia, who vaccinated their vulnerable citizens with the AZ vaccine, with reports from the UK saying just how useless it is against the new strain.
I guess we'll see if they were on the right track in the New Year?
My guess is that they had better get off that track, as I see a strain coming fast ... 2 2;-)
Delta Plans a Pi Day 2022 Concert on the Gold Coast in Times of the Omicron Variant?

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