
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

December 19, 2021

There's a Stranger in My Garden?

Gaelic for stranger or outlander?
Can you spot the orange dragonfly in the above picture?
An orange dragonfly in my front yard?
In a bizarre set of circumstances last Thursday after reading Trish's Synchrosecrets post about the TV show 'Outlander' (which I have never watched ... or want to see after watching the trailer for season 4:-) I headed out my front door in a hurry to get to a rather important appointment I really couldn't be late for, and saw an orange dragonfly resting on a plant I had transplanted from my mother's garden.
I had not seen an orange dragonfly around my home before, only the plain coloured ones, like the one that flew into my home in 2019.
My second attempt at getting a photo of the dragonfly
And with my father once driving a yellow cab that looked more orange to me than yellow and which he gave to me as car to drive around as a teenager, when he took it off the road, I had to wonder just what this dragonfly might be telling me, if anything:-)
Every-time I had a good shot lined up of the dragonfly stationary on my mother's plant, a reflection of the sun's rays off my iPhone would startle the dragonfly to take off.
I didn't have time to muck around anymore, so was hoping I had at least captured a shot of the orange dragonfly in flight.
Which I found out later that I had.
 The old cab I used to drive around
that belonged to my father
I hadn't caught a dragonfly on my cell phone camera since around May 8, 2019, that I could remember, when one flew into my home on Sir Dave's birthday -
The dragonfly that flew into my home on May 8
Look Mate (May 8?-), a Dragonfly Just Flew Into My Home?
Damselfly named after
Sir David Attenborough
I didn't think much more about the orange dragonfly until I paid a visit to my mother in the afternoon and showed her the photos of the dragonfly in flight, after taking off from a resting position on the plant that she had given to me when I moved in.
My mother was watching a TV quiz show called 'The Chaser' and as I'm showing her the photos of the dragonfly the quiz show host mentioned that a dragonfly was named in Sir Dave's honour to my surprise.
I was also surprised that when I went to check out the 'Outlander' IMDB site there was a poster with the words "COME WHAT MAY":-)
But hey, I probably watch too much TV and too many movies as it is, right?-)
Dates with Destiny?
Then again, maybe the dragonfly is reminding me about a post I wrote 10 years ago?-)
Gratitude Diary and the Sacred Kingfisher

1 comment:

  1. These dragonflies are such beauties! That blue one is jus stunning.
