
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

July 4, 2023

Hongkongers and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Day?๐ŸŒ

I saw this 1st of July page of my Hong Kong/Chinese wall calenda I bought from a local newsagent and wondered what it meant and then found out it was about the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Day holiday.
And that I was halfway through the calenda.
My nephew just married a Hongkonger in Australia and I was there at the wedding and they are going to get married again later in the year over in Hong Kong with my sister and her family going over for the wedding.
Unfortunately, I don't have the money or a passport to go over there this year, unless I win some money playing lotto. 
Plus, being an Australian citizen, I don't trust the Chinese government, knowing how they feel about us Aussies and our government.
In my mind a trip over there might turn into a wild ride similar to the girls have in this movie below:-)
I wonder if that movie will be available to watch over in
Honkers ... if I get through customs to watch it?-)
I'm surprised that there are more Americans, Canadians, and Brits living in Hong Kong than Aussies.
But then again, if you were living in the best country in the world, would you want to leave it?-)

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