
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

July 13, 2023

TAXI for Mr. Knowles?!🚕ðŸ˜ĩ🚖ðŸ•ģ🐇

Oh, the Archons/Tricker/God makes me laugh now when I read Chris' paranoid rants at 'The Secret Sun' blog, especially when it comes to his rants about Jodie Foster and Liz Fraser.
My DVD copy I stumbled across at work:-)
The funny thing is someone donated an unopened DVD of 'Taxi Driver' to the charity shop I work at part-time, and I bought it, not having a copy of the movie myself, and this was just before I read Knowles' latest 'Secret Sun' post about Jodie and Liz.
2023 Marks 50 Years Since Tom Sawyer the Musical Hit Cinema Screens?ðŸŽĨ📖
And on a personal note,
my old wedding anniversary is on Jodie's birthday of November 19th, which ironically Charlie Manson died on, too:-)

Charles Manson Dies on Mitzvah Day?!
And my old man was a taxi driver for most of his life:-)
True Detective, Taxi Driver and
Signals from Space
And on the subject of 'True Detective' Chris, wasn't it me who told you the above info about Jodie?
Of course, you have removed all the comments on your posts, so who the f#ck would know, right?-)
I wonder what Jesus would say about your blog ... if He wasn't just a myth
Probably, take that beam out of your own eye first, before you go poking Jodie and Liz in the eye with one?-)
In Australia we have a saying for someone who has had one too many drinks, and that is "TAXI!"
So as amusing as your drunken antics are at 'The Sun' Chris, let me call you a taxi, before you hurt yourself, or someone else in your egoic intoxication.
Trudi Fraser in 'Once Upon a Time ... in Hollywood' is Based on Jodie Foster Mr. Knowles?
True Detective, Taxi Driver 
and the Signals from Space
Chris states, "Jodie is, of course, no stranger to pedo-ick exploitation. She starred in a short-lived TV version of the pedo-ick box office hit, Paper Moon, about a child who runs around with some random adult grifter during the Great Depression."
But the character Jodie/Tatum plays in 'Paper Moon' according to the Wikipedia page about the novel says -
Me thinks your mind travels down some weird ... but amusing rabbit holes Mr. KNHOLES:-)


  1. Darren you rock. The Secret Sun is not on my blog stop anymore. What happened? Shine forth brave souls. 87

  2. Let's not throw the siren out with the bathwater Dennis, as KnHOLES does go down some interesting and amusing rabbit HOLES at times.
    It's just that he seems a bit John Hinckley times when he preaches to his cult following at 'THE SUN'.
    That would make a great newspaper name don't you think Dennis, but then again maybe 'THE SUN' is more of a British/Australian thing when it comes to gutter journalism?-)
