
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

August 8, 2018

The Secret Life of Blue Whales?

Last Friday in Byron Bay I bought Micheline Jenner's book 'The Secret Life of Whales' after hearing her talk about the book.
It was one of the talks I had penciled on my BWF program to make sure I didn't miss, as I had heard Micheline on an ABC radio show 'Conversations' a few weeks before -
What the whales know: how humpbacks thrive in Australian waters
Mick O'Regan talking to Micheline Jenner
on Friday in Byron Bay
Micheline mentioned in her talk how it was Blue Whales that were in danger of facing extinction in the near future if they weren't looked after ... not to mention how one of them shat on her while she was swimming in the ocean:-) 
One audience member in question-time at the Byron Bay talk brought up Rupert Sheldrake's "morphic resonance" theory and I thought this guy might have been reading my mind, as that was something I wanted to ask Micheline about too.
I wrote about my own thought experiment with a whale, which seemed to have worked for me in this post -
The Secret Life of Whales?
Probably just a coincidence, or you think I'm talking whale s#it, right?
Anyway, what hit me as strange today was seeing a news story at the BBC site about a Blue Whale calf washing up dead on the Japanese coastline, of all the countries in the world.
Darkly ironic I thought, since the last topic brought up at the talk from what I can remember was about Japanese whaling. 
"Commercial whaling over many years brought blue whales close to the point of extinction.
It's been a bad news week for whale calves.
The Killer Whale calf in the news article above was brought up in Friday's BWF talk, but the Blue Whale calf death in Japan happened on Sunday.

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