
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

August 6, 2018

Hiroshima Day: August 6th and Fold Your Weapons?

I bought a sky-blue paper crane in a bottle from the Byron Writers Festival on the weekend and only just realized that today is August 6th/Hiroshima Day.
Sarah Sentilles third from left on the
'Keeping the Peace'
panel Sunday
"Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony is an annual Japanese vigil.
Every August 6, "A-Bomb Day", the city of Hiroshima holds the Peace Memorial Ceremony to console the victims of the atomic bombs and to pray for the realization of lasting world peace.
The ceremony is held in front of the Memorial Cenotaph in the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park. Participants include the families of the deceased and people from all over the world.
This traditional ceremony began in 1947 by the then Hiroshima Mayor Shinzo Hamai."
It seems rather apt that Hiroshima Day would fall the very next day after the writers festival ended, as Sarah Sentilles author of the book 'Draw Your Weapons' was on panels at all three days of the festival and even gave a talk at a Mullumbimby pub on Sunday night.
Synchronicity, 42 and Owls?
'Lally & Me' are also from the town of Mullumbimby and have a shop not too far from the pub Sarah's talk was held in ... not that I went, as I was on the freeway home to Brisbane after the festival ended.
Sarah Sentilles in conversation with
Margaret Throsby on Friday 
'Made in Mullumbimby' that stocks 'Lally & Me' products
My little blue paper crane in a bottle hangs right under my dreamcatcher to the right of my computer, like a little dream of peace about to be caught and brought into the reality we live in.  
Well, that's what I like to imagine when I see it hanging there.

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