
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

September 16, 2020

The Art of Swimming, Big Fish and Keeping Calm?

Body Lengths by
Leisel Jones
I saw the painting of Leisel Jones, the Australian ex-Olympian swimmer in my local Australian newspaper and I thought that really does capture the mood of the Australian psyche 3/4 the way through 2020 I think.
A Saturday of Proctoring Sharks?
The Beach is Peach/Sync or Swim/Just Keep Swimming?
My Australian beaches calendar showing 
St Kilda Beach, Victoria, this month:-(
Conversations: Postcards from God
— artist
William Robinson
William Robinson Self portrait
with stunned mullet
Catching the Big Fish in February[2019]?
Let's Face It:
The History Of The
Archibald Prize
Equestrian self portrait 1987
The portrait of Leisel at the top of this post was meant to be submitted this year for the Archibald Prize, but due to the corona-virus the painting is now being submitted for the Brisbane Portrait Prize.
Father Bob’s portrait auction?
It always fascinates me how people can paint portraits and self-portraits, as I certainly don't have an eye when it comes to that kind of art skill.
I missed 'Anh's Brush With Fame' show last night (although I can watch it for free in iView now if I want) where Anh did Father Bob's portrait.
And I guess that explains why I was getting a lot of hits last night on my old post about Father Bob -
In (Saint) Bob We Trust
I think Leisel's portrait of her just keeping her head above water matches the mood of many Aussies in the last part of 2020, and deserves winning a gold medal on that point alone.
I guess we all have to make the best of
 the cards 
(click here) we are dealt;-)
In the Doldrums of Everyday Living
Just Keep Swimming?!

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Sure describes the way a lot of Americans are feeling, too.
