
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

July 21, 2021

Vaccine Cover-AGE?

Man I do need to get out in the sun more:-)
Perfect blue sky yesterday, although a little windy and cold
I wrote a post about getting my first Pfizer shot at the Logan Hospital -
Catch FLU-22 or DELTA Skelter?
But for my second shot I had to go to the Rocklea Showgrounds, which to me seemed rather quite appropriate really, since they used to race trotting horses there, and the Australian government sure did back the wrong horse by buying up so much of the AstraZeneca vaccine:-)
A funny thing happened as I was waiting in line
(well, actually the guy running the line kicked me out of the line for half an hour at first ... and then later told me that I should have stayed in the line, as I could have been through by now if I had have stayed in the line ... what a clown?-) for my 2nd Pfizzer (;-)) shot at the 
Rocklea Showgrounds (AKA the Rocklea Trotting Track) with no Ferris Wheel in sight.
As I was reading the news on my phone about a nurse who had had her 2 Pfizer shots, but still got sick from the virus and tested positive while out in the Queensland community, I saw a black umbrella blowing across what used to be the centre of the trotting track
Not a horse in sight yesterday:-)
Day one of the clown show and umbrellas everywhere?-)
Make that under 60 now.
And I somehow thought what an apt metaphor for this vaccine roll-out in Australia.  
Is that a UAP flying across the showgrounds?
Yes, it is an Umbrella At Pace flying across the old track:-) 
And like the recent UAP flap in the news,
nobody seemed to care, either:-)
And yes, the free water after the shot came in a plastic bottle in "Plastic Free July":-(
Well, in defense of the government, the plastic was technically free to the people who got the shot:-)
It was nice to see a part of my city that I rarely visit these days, because I've had no reason to over the years.
I think I went to the Trots here when I was really young with my father once, but it's a foggy memory that has nothing to do with the aftereffects of my vaccine shot;-)
I guess I can get a free burger now if I get the urge and show my vaccination card and am one of the lucky 1000 on the day.
My free Vegan burger ... cause my brother paid:-)
And if I get unlucky I might still get sick by someone spreading
the Delta strain (or whatever Greek letter we're up to now) in some burger restaurant:-)
not a Vegan, and while I try to keep to a dairy-free diet for my health, I bought a box of doughnuts to share with my younger brother after checking my mail, since I've had to put up with so many clowns today who think they are in high places ... and yet they are nobody, just like me and some other clowns are/were:-)
'Doughnut Days', Seriously?

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