
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

July 17, 2021

With #WorldEmojiDay on πŸ“… July 17, take a look at what the next emoji update might bring?

Pregnant man among new emojis
 to be introduced this year?
I'm flat-out knowing what the old emojis on my phone mean, never mind the new ones.
I've probably insulted a heap of friends and family over the years by using one when not really knowing what it was meant to convey:-)
This Soylent Green one could
 come in handy for
I think I might summit this emoji pictured below for consideration for World Emoji Day next year after listening to the latest 'Mysterious Universe' podcast this morning:-)
Perfect Information Gathering State?
The emoji to say that you
can't say it
right now?
This emoji would be handy if I was texting a Chinese friend living in China or the Hong Kong part of China and asked them how life was going under the current Chinese government:-)

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