
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

August 16, 2021

Off World Link?

Owls, UFO's, Mike Clelland and Synchronicities?
Wild Owl [out]Door[s]?
Owl Door Looks Amazing?
Candice Larkin tracking down hard
find birds like the barking owl
I just had a feeling that The Owl Guy (Mike Clelland) was going to come out of the woodwork this week after I had seen this owl story above in the Australian national news media.
And we are not in cahoots if you were wondering, as I'm not into UFOs like Mike is (hybrids rarely are;-) ... I'm more interested in what is happening down here on Earth:-)
Humans are way more fun to watch and try to work out than boring old aliens I think;-)
And to me owls are the morons of the bird family, with crows, magpies, butcher birds and other bird species running rings around these dumb-asses of the bird world.
The lights are on, but no one's home when it comes to owls, I reckon.
No wonder it's easy for aliens and shamans in folklore to hitch a ride on a dumb bird like that.
I mean, if you had to pick the bird most likely to be the shamans'/aliens' Uber ride,
which bird would be the usual suspect?-)
They might look intelligent, but they are as dumb as chickens IMO. 
Can you tell that I'm not an Owl Guy?-)
I guess Owl or Corvid preferences are like the Cat people vs Dog People argument, and while I like dogs as well, I much prefer cats if I was pushed to choose between the two, which SPOILER ALERT ... nobody really is.
Do you choose between which of your children you prefer, or whether you like your mother or father better?
Maybe not such a good example to some people after I just watched two seasons of 'Big Little Lies', but I honestly couldn't choose when push came to shove.
But I must admit that I wouldn't bother seeing what Mike's up to from time to time if I thought that he wasn't on to something that resonates with the path that I'm also on. 
To me it's not the owls showing up at rather strange synchronistic times, but who is sending them?-)
And why?
I guess we all need a hobby, owl lovers, or not;-)
And I like how Mike's podcast interview aired on a day associated with black cats (Friday the 13th):-)

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