
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

August 18, 2021

The Suicide Squad: A Dark Comic Look into the World ... Today?

I saw 'The Suicide Squad' on a Queensland (one of the few Australian states not in lock-down at the moment) cinema screen last night with my two adult sons and couldn't help thinking with what's going on in the world right now just how darkly the film (which was released on August 6th, the anniversary of the dropping of the bomb on a city full of humans, and then repeated on another city full of humans three days later) reflects the joke of world affairs past and present, planned or otherwise, in a synchromystic sense.
Dr. Strangelove ...
Take note of the javelin with 202021
being an Olympic year?
The Australian poster for 'The Suicide Squad' 
hanging in the cinema
I'm not into comic book superhero crap like my old paranoid mate Christopher Knowles from 'The Secret Sun' blog is, but I am fascinated in why people like him and his mates are, on a pop-cultural study of such things.
Maybe Marvel/Disney should give Chris Knowles a shot at making a superhero movie, as he seems to have all the answers as to what works ... and doesn't?-)
Alice Cooper isn't the only one trashing the world it seems, hey Chris?-)
Don't you just love critics ...
or am I just being too critical of critics?-)
STAR spelled backwards is RATS:-)
A Bullish Year Ahead?
In the land of the blind the one eyed ...?
Cover to Credits Podcast?

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