
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

January 16, 2021

I'm WONDERing How Wonder Woman 84's Script Got the Green Light?

Is that meant to be a statement
or a
I went to dinner and a movie last Wednesday night with my youngest son (who is in his late 20s) and the movie we picked out of not too many to pick from was 'Wonder Woman 84' considering that the first WW movie in the franchise wasn't too bad, but unfortunately this one was.
Amazing how much can change in a week when seeing a movie and eating out.
Burgers, Missing Loved Ones, Holidays, Movies ... and Would You Like Minimum Fries or Hot Chips with That?
Chris and Gal trying to CON people
into thinking
WW84 is a good film?-)
From the first movie trailer I had seen for WW84 I thought it was going to be about an Orwellian surveillance world gone mad, like in Orwell's story 1984.
I mean, you do see WW smashing out the surveillance cameras in the shopping mall as she is fighting the baddies, but no, that's only because she is trying to minimize her exposure to the public the same way as most superheroes do, like Spiderman, Batman and Superman.
You know, like Superman having to change from Clark Kent into his Superman rags in a glass phone booth, so nobody will know who he really is?-)
Butt no, this movie is nothing more than a Freudian Saturday Night Live sex comedy, where the main villain, who seems to be modeled off a combination of motivational dick Tony Robbins, and a nice Gordon Gekko, actually turns himself into a real life wish granting dildo.
Since I don't eat chicken,
I had
hot chips instead:-)
You have to register to dine in,
in these
Covid times
And you have to wear masks until seated
We'll remember these 2021 "Good Times":-)
My son said the chicken was good:-)
We probably should have
this instead of WW84
No ... he's just a dildo;-)
WW84 made CATS look like a classic I think, and I was almost expecting Kristen to break into song.
So the theme of this movie was more or less, "be careful what you wish for", which is ironic considering I had wished for seeing an entertaining movie like I had watched the week before at the same cinema -
The Truth is Still Out There Where the Truth Lies?-)
One week you get to see a piece of interesting art, the next week you just see a piece of trash;-)
I can't believe that I risked the health, and potentially the lives, of my son and myself to see such a piece of trash as
'Wonder Woman 84'.
Especially having just come out of a 3 day hard lock-down with the UK Covid strain lurking out there somewhere like a mangy old cat ... maybe?
We should have gone early once this movie started to look like it was a stinker:-)
We probably would have had a better time feeding our movie money into the massage chairs that were in the foyer of the cinema:-)  
I guess I can only wish for what might have been last Wednesday night?-)
I might never want to see another Wonder Woman movie again now after sitting through WW84:-(


  1. Happy New Year! Great post.
    I've heard the bad news about WW ...ah well!
    Just got a sync moment looking at your blog - Indian Jones and the Last Crusade is on TV in a moment...

    Cheers & take care

  2. Thanks Marie.
    Happy New Year to you, too.
    I can't wait for 2021 to be over:-)
