
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

January 31, 2021

How Improbable is it That Burt Reynolds Would Pass Away on September 6th After Starring in an X-Files Episode That Was Heavily Based on the Numbers 6 and 9?

'The X-Files' season 9, episode 13, 'Improbable'
I wrote about the 'Improbable' X-Files episode starring Burt Reynolds as "Mr. Burt" in my last post -
What's the Point of Poinciana (song)?
But I thought I would make a stand alone post for this bizarre numerical coincidence of Burt passing away on 6/9 (or 9/6 if you are an American) some 16+ years after that TV episode of 'The X-Files' aired, without my own personal coincidences I found after watching that episode last year. 
Final scene of 'Improbable'
This was my favourite episode after sitting through 217 episodes of quite frankly, in my opinion, a pretty ordinary TV series that I'm not a fan of.
If it wasn't for my buying and reading of Christopher Knowles 2008 co-authored book about the first 9 seasons and the 2 movies, I wouldn't have been bothered slogging my way through watching the TV episodes on Amazon Prime.
But I'm glad that I did, as there were a few nuggets among all of those rocks and stones. 
It's ironic that in my favourite X-Files episode Agent Scully had to use a magnifying glass, as while I don't normally have to wear reading glasses to read books, the print in this book is so small that I needed my magnifying glass nearby at all times when reading this book.
Ironically that episode was all about numerology and focused on the numbers 3, 6 and 9.
Burt passed away in real life on the 6th of September, 2018.

3 3 3?
Burt was born on the 11th of February which on non-leap years is the 42nd day of the year, not that that means anything, right?-)
While I never crossed paths with Burt Reynolds in this lifetime, I did cross paths with Bill Bennett, who wrote and directed the movie 'Tempted' starring Burt, and this was the movie Bill was working on when he claims an inner voice stopped him from going through an intersection where a truck ended up running a red light -
'The X-Files' season 9, episode 13, 'Improbable'
'The X-Files' season 9, episode 13, 'Improbable'
And the Year of the Rat finishes on Burt's birthday of February 11th, 2021, to cap off what has been a strange year of blogging for me.

January 30, 2021

What's the Point of Poinciana (song)?

'The X-Files' season 9, episode 13,
'The X-Files' season 9, episode 13,
I had not heard of the tune/song Poinciana until I was watching Burt Reynolds miming the words to the song in 'The X-Files' episode 13 from season 9, 'Improbable' which I watched for the first time a few weeks back when I spent a month or two working my way through 217 episodes of that crap TV show, because of a Christopher Knowles co-written book about 'The X-Files' I pulled off my bookshelf and read last year -
The Endless American Midnight?
Composer Nat Simon would claim the song's tune came to him while he was dining at Manhattan Theater District restaurant Leone's, and that he jotted down a rough draft of the melody on his table's cloth, which with Leone's permission, he took home to work out the completed melody at his piano.
Lyrics for the song were completed in about thirty minutes by Buddy Bernier, who cited as his inspiration a postcard of a royal poinciana tree he'd recently received from Florida.
Burt passed away in Florida by the way;-)
My father passed away on 13/9 in 2016 and my mother scattered his ashes under the poinciana tree in their backyard, which he grew from a seed.
Oddly enough, 'Improbable' is episode 13 in season 9, and I notice that episode aired the night before my father's birthday of April 8th, back in 2002;-)
Mum didn't think that one through though about dad's ashes, as she ended up selling the house and dividing the money up to give to us kids before she died from the cancer that was killing her (she is still alive by the way).
Ironically that episode was all about numerology and focused on the numbers 3, 6 and 9.
And Burt passed away in real life on the 6th of September, 2018.
That's 6/9 or 9/6, depending what part of the world you happen to live in.
In Australia we write September 6th as 6/9.
'The X-Files' season 9, episode 13,
F=6, B=2, I=9 (6 to 9?-)
The elephant in the room?-)
Remember the days of trunk calls?-)
In this X-Files episode Burt Reynolds character plays "Mr. Burt" and it is rather ambiguous whether he is meant to be the devil, a trickster, God ... or all three.
'The X-Files' season 9, episode 13,
My take is that the Asian woman who deals Wayneo the cards at the beginning of the show is meant to be "God" and Burt plays a tricksterish offsider to God to try and steer Wayneo away from his selfish loser egotistical self.
The fact that "Mr. Burt" asks for a packet of Morleys (cigarettes) before Wayneo sits down next to him at the bar would seem to identify "Mr. Burt" with the Smoking Man in the TV series of 'The X-Files', so I guess "Mr. Burt" ain't meant to be "God" in this episode, especially when the final scenes take place in Wayneo's basement:-)
On a personal note, my older brother who passed away last year was named Wayne.
Recent music I have added to my
Poinciana song/tune collection:-)
So, I guess a crappy X-Files episode starring Burt Reynolds can turn out rather meaningful with some 2020 hindsight?-)
'Poincianna's popularity was reinforced by its appearance in the 1952 film Dreamboat.
"Poinciana" has become a standard of Latin jazz: the theme song of pianist Ahmad Jamal – whose version, introduced on the 1958 album At the Pershing: But Not for Me, would be showcased on the soundtrack of the 1995 film The Bridges of Madison County.
In 1978, disco duo Paradise Express recorded a version which made the top 20 on the disco charts.
'The X-Files' season 9, episode 13,
Written and directed by Bill Bennett
While I never crossed paths with Burt Renyolds in this lifetime, I did cross paths with Bill Bennett, who wrote and directed the movie 'Tempted' starring Burt, and this was the movie Bill was working on when he claims an inner voice stopped him from going through an intersection where a vehicle ended up running a red light -
I'm not someone who is into numerology, but I do take notice of signs, songs and numbers that puzzle me as I walk through this life.
Clifton Webb passed away on 10/13/66:-)
Chris Carter was born on 10/13/56,
10 13 Productions
Dreamboat (1952) Soundtrack
I watched the movie 'Dreamboat' for the first time in my life only because it made 'Poinciana' popular according to a Wikipedia page about the song.
That's probably only the second Anne Francis movie I've seen in my life, the other being 'Forbidden Planet':-)
My father's funeral was held on Anne Francis' birthday of September 16th in 2016 I just realized:-) 
Starring Anne Francis as Ida Quinlan  
I would have seen Anne on the 'Kung Fu' TV episode 'Night of the Owls, Day of the Doves' back in the 70s, as that was one of my favourite TV shows to watch when growing up.
There's probably a personal message in this post for me, but the only poinciana tree I have access to at the moment is the one in my sister's backyard, so if an owl shows up in it while I'm there then that might be a different message for me altogether, right Mike?-)

UPDATE: January 31st, 2021