
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

May 12, 2021

The Source and Significance of Coincidences?

The Mystical Underground Podcast: Sharon Hewitt Rawlette
I thought it was a bizarre coincidence that as I was listening to Sharon tell her coincidence story about France that most of my blog traffic at the time was coming from France, which is rather unusual that French traffic to my site was sitting at the top of the blog stats page.
I found it amusing that Trish mentioned a dream about having a past life in Iceland and giving birth to her future daughter in a "ware[where?]house", as I recently stumbled across a book about Icelandic Sagas which I’ve been wanting to read if it ever crossed my path in a book angel kind of way.
Pictures from Iceland in the book 'Saga Land'
And it did, and I wrote this post about it –
‘What is Consciousness and Who and What Are U/s?
Saga Land
This picture should look familiar to Rob and Trish:-)
I was also intrigued when hearing the story told by Sharon in the podcast about a young Japanese boy who the mother thought was a reincarnation of the six-year-old child that she lost to leukemia, as I have just finished reading 'The Book of Five Rings' which stirred up memories of my own childhood memories when I thought I once lived in feudal Japan -
Reading Books and the Five Rings in 2021?
It also caught my ear that Carol Bowman was mentioned as an author who researched the possibility of children who claimed to have lived before:-)
From the start of the book 'Saga Land'
It's funny that I saw that Al Stewart had a song called 'Carol' (which I've not heard of before) on that Babynames website, as I was thinking about buying his 'Year of the Cat' album the other day when I wrote this post and used his 'Year of the Cat' video -
2021: The Year of the Cats?
Al Stewart: Greatest Hits
But I'm glad that I didn't buy that album now after seeing the songs on Al's Greatest Hits album.
The Peacock Posted on May 4, 2021
 by Trish and Rob
From the Illustrated Book of Five Rings
In Japan a peacock is meant to symbolize immortality, according to the above illustration from 'The Book of Five Rings'.
Trish also mentions the number 33 in the I Ching means "retreat" when Sharron mentions 33 being her synch number.
+33 is the code for international direct-dial phone calls to France:-)
33 (number)
But here is the synchromystic six-degrees of separation for me when I listened to that 'Mystical Underground' podcast featuring Sharon.  
An Atheist in Heaven:
The Ultimate
Evidence for Life After Death?
That book pictured above that Sharon tells Trish and Rob about reading in the podcast was made into a movie produced by the late Anne Strieber and also starring Whitley Strieber and 
Michael Shermer, which I told Trish about when I wrote this post about it -
Where Did Richard Matheson and the Road Go?
The Life After Death Project (2013)
I just noticed that
the movie will celebrate its 8th year anniversary on Saturday, too:-)

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