
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

August 6, 2019

Knot/Not Magick: Candles, Charm Bags and Spells with the Witch of Wonderlust?

A charm bag I was given and then modified for luck?
I listened to the latest 'The Cosmic Keys' podcast where the Keys crew interviewed a practitioner of witchcraft who calls herself 'The Witch of Wonderlust' and has interesting You Tubes on topics such as "Christian Witches" and videos on making charm bags.
That's all I've watched so far though.
A Practitioner of the Craft?
I've never made a charm bag myself, but I was given one as a gift a few years back by a witch from New York who threw one in with some stuff I bought from her over the internet.
I liked the look of it, but added some miniature Australian plastic currency I had laying around the home and I keep it as a sort of lucky paper weight for my live lotto tickets.
I was also going to throw in a few placebo pills I have laying around my home, but I wasn't sure if I thought that would work;-)
Works like a charm:-)
Maybe I should have added some mint to the bag as well?
After-all my goal is to win a first division lotto prize and where does the money come from in the first place?
The coin I minted on the day
at the
mint in Canberra
Making a Mint in Canberra
Yeah, the mint:-)
After watching the "Christian Witches" video I thought that it was ironic that I happened to be the 33rd viewer of episode #33 of 'The Cosmic Keys' podcast on You Tube:-)
Magick or just coincidence?

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