
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

February 12, 2021

Lovin' Chinese New Year in Times of Covid 19 OX?

The Ox () is the second of the 12-year periodic sequence (cycle) of animals which appear in the Chinese zodiac related to the Chinese calendar, and also appears in related calendar systems.
The Chinese term translated here as ox is in Chinese niú (), a word generally referring to cows, bulls, or neutered types of the bovine family, such as common cattle or water buffalo.
The zodiacal ox may be construed as male, female, neuter, and either singular or plural.
In the Vietnamese zodiac, the water buffalo occupies the position of the Ox.
In Nepal, the Tamu/Gurung people celebrate the year of the cow.
First day of the Year of the OX
My souvenir from last night
Last night I went up to the local temple to ring in the Chinese New Year of the Metal Ox, but this year if you wanted to go you had to agree to following the Covid 19 guidelines by booking a free ticket using a QR code and filling in your details.
In Chinese philosophy, metal or gold (Chinese: ; pinyin: jīn), the fourth phase of Wu Xing, is the decline of the matter, or the matter's decline stage.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine Metal is yin in character, its motion is inwards and its energy is contracting.
It is associated with the west, autumn, it governs the Yin, Zang organ the Lung and the Yang, Fu organ colon, nose and skinold age, the planet Saturn, the colour white, dry weather, and the White Tiger (Bai Hu) in Four Symbols.
The archetypal metals are silver or gold.
You had to agree to wear a mask and practice social distancing and hygiene on the night, which made this year something of a memorable experience compared to other years I have up here to celebrate Chinese New Year, but at least for summer night in Brisbane/Logan it was a cool night temperature wise.
Normally there are a heap of great food stalls at the temple, but because of the Covid 19 regulations, the food options this year were minimal and served in covered containers.
I had starved myself throughout the day and skipped lunch, so I could pig-out on the food that I'm used to seeing there on previous years, but in the end, I was just grateful there was anything to eat there at all, and had to settle for some vegetarian noodle dish and two savory green balls (bull testicles aren't vegetarian food I hope?-) and a can of Pepsi to wash it all down.
I also picked up some trinkets to take home and hang around the home for 2021. 
I realized that I either didn't go to the Year of the Ox celebrations 12 years ago, or I didn't pick up an ox trinket for my key rack last time.
This ABC Radio edition below of 'Soul Search' airs nationally on Sunday (Valentine's Day), but is available to listen to now at the show's Apple Podcast site -
Valentine's Day 2017:-)
You'll Never Ride Alone?
Captain Sir Tom Moore Dies on Groundhog Day After Contracting COVID-19?
I also found it amusing that children under 12 years old were exempt from wearing a face mask on Chinese New Year celebrations at the temple, as 12 years is of course one cycle of the 
And the Year of the Ox starts on the 12th of February this cycle, too.
I also bought a Dragon trinket on the night for $12, because I was born in the Year of the Dragon, plus my childhood house number was #12. 

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