
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

June 30, 2019

Pagan Tasmanian 'Pub Moots' and Uncanny Meetings?

I saw this story on the Australian ABC national news website today -
Witches, wicca, spells and pub 'moots' all form part of Tasmania's thriving pagan community
and immediately thought of my old pal Gordon White from the 'Rune Soup' blog for some reason.
I looked around on the net for any more news about those Tasmanian Pagans and stumbled across these two You Tubes below.
One uncannily featuring Gordon's witchey neighbour Avalon visiting a store in Hobart called 'The Wishing Well', where I noticed an absence of Gordon's books on their shelves.
Unlike the fine Queensland magical bookstore I do my shopping at;-)
Underlining Synchronicity?
Gordon White's book 'The Chaos Protocols'
in the 
'Ecclectica' bookstore
I'm sure Avalon would have put in a good word for your books though Gordon.
Next time I'm down in Hobart I'll visit the store and if I don't see Gordon's books on the shelf, I'll throw a few coins on the floor of the shop and when the owners ask me what I'm doing I'll say that I'm wishing that you would stock Gordon White's fine books on magick and other matters.
I know how wishing well spells work when you throw in a little money and wish for something:-)

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