
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

July 9, 2019

Enough Leg Rope?

The same day (July 9th) I listen to a podcast where Mick Fanning talks about a shark that bit his leg rope off his surfboard, I read of a man who lives in the Australian state of Queensland not that far from where Mick lives, who got bitten by a shark that got tangled in his leg rope -
Stand up paddleboarder bitten by bull shark tangled in his leg rope
The funny thing with these shark attack/leg rope stories is that Andrew Denton's old TV show before he moved to Channel 7 was called 'Enough Rope'.
Also, kind of synchy that with Andrew moving to Channel 7 and interviewing Mick on his new TV show was that Mick was wearing #7 on his back when the shark attacked him.
Also mentioned on the podcast was Mick Fanning's alter-ego Eugene, which happens to be Mick's middle name.
Careful With That Axe Eugene and SET the Controls for the Heart of the Sun in the Year of the Pig?

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