
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

July 3, 2019

Synchronicity in Number?

I was about to flip my wall calendar over to the month of July last Monday and realized all this month I was looking at an old travel poster of Australia's Old Parliament House.
Star Stories of The Dreaming
I had this month read Scott Onstott's chapter in 'Sync Book 2' where he writes about the Parliamentary Triangle in Canberra, Australia having a perimeter of 8.64 km.
And I watched that You Tube above of Scott's presentation at the Sync Summit, and he mentions the Parliamentary Triangle at the 30-minute mark of that video.
I wrote a post in 2016 about Andrew West Griffin whose great great uncle Walter Burley Griffin designed the city of Canberra and who the lake is named after -
Canberra Connections
42 Minutes Podcast 06.11.17 Episode 277: Andrew W. Griffin
I wish I had known about the triangle in Canberra when I was down there in 2016, but I did spend a lot of time exploring places within that triangle anyway, so I know a fair bit about what's in that area.
I highly recommend watching Scott's full version of his movie 'Secrets in Plain Sight' and ask yourself is the human race really this clever to plan things out in such a way?
42 Minutes Podcast 06.11.13 Episode 88: Scott Onstott "Synchronicity in Number"
I like how Andrew's appearance on '42 Minutes' is exactly 4 years to the day after Scott's.
Now I'm off to check those lotto numbers of mine from last night's draw.

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