
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

December 23, 2019

Agora: A Movie for the Season and the Current Political Times?

I saw a glint of light come off the spine of a DVD in my bookcase full of DVDs and when I pulled it of the bookcase I saw that it was still wrapped in plastic and hadn't been opened from when I bought it a few years back.
So I popped to into the DVD player and watched it.
And I must say that for a film made ten years ago, about a woman who lived centuries ago, it certainly goes with the time that we are now living in.
In this movie you have Pagans verses Christians and Jews, Jews verses Christians (and Jesus was a Jew, wasn't he?-), men verses women, flat-heads verses egg-heads ... and my personal favourite ... round-earthers verses flat-earthers.
Is that a
flat-out flat-earther pun?-)
There's even a flat-earth model, more or less included, that being the DVD itself, if you lay it flat on your desktop:-)
Happy Holidays, and don't get too stoned, in the Agora sense of the word "stoned";-)

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