
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

December 19, 2019

DMT; The Spirit Molecule Movie 10 Years On?

I listened to the latest Guy Lawrence podcast today and thought, wow, has it been ten years already?
The Guy Lawrence Podcast: DMT; The Spirit Molecule Movie. 10 Years On with Mitch Schultz
I met Mitch (all I said was "hi") back in 2012 at an event in my hometown of Brisbane -
'Origins of Consciousness Tour' - Brisbane
I was going to tell Mitch that we could be related, as my father's birth surname was Schultz, until my Nan had it changed to his Irish stepfather's surname during WWII, when dad was about to go to school, as Nan thought having a German sounding surname wasn't a good idea, even though it was a German Jewish name really.
To be honest, when my father told me when I was first going to school that my surname would have been Schultz if Nan hadn't had changed my father's surname, I was glad, as 'Hogan's Heroes' was on TV every weekday and Sargent Schultz was a huge meme among my school mates (and having a name like Darren when 'Bewitched' was a TV hit was bad enough:-).
Plus, in the early 70s Germans were still unofficially considered the enemy in a country like Australia, as the war was still fresh in the population's mind, especially with the TV shows like 'Combat' being aired at the time.
And to be honest I like my Irish surname that I was born with, as it really suits my Australian lifestyle.
I guess I could do one of those hyphenated double surnames, but then I would just sound like I was named after a beer label:-)
I have watched 'DMT; The Spirit Molecule' a few times, as I own a copy of the DVD, but I just did a search to watch it again on Netflix, but I couldn't find it listed in the search results, so I'll have to find my DVD and watch it the old-fashioned way.
I still haven't done any psychedelics at this point in my life, but then maybe I don't need to with the way my brain seems to filter life experiences.
My body doesn't seem to react to drugs like normal people anyway.
Penicillin can kill me, and smoking weed has never had much effect on my system no matter how deep I inhale it or hold it in.
And hash cakes just make me go to sleep, so maybe my body in wired a little different to most people. 
I'm kind of curious as to how a DMT trip would play out for me, but I don't really feel compelled to seek one out.
I can't stand vomiting and uncontrolled shitting, so Ayahuasca is off my bucket list, pardon the pun ... even if Ayahuasca and I might share the same surname:-)
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