
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

December 29, 2019

Kylie Minogue Stars in the New Tourism Australia Ad which Features the Cape Byron Lighthouse?

Featuring some truly iconic
Aussie locations
Kylie's birthday is in late May?!
Theo arrived in Byron Bay the day
Kylie's birthday
After just listening to all the available podcast episodes of 'The Lighthouse', which I wrote a post about yesterday -
The Lighthouse and the Dark Synchromystic Rabbit Hole?
I saw a news item featuring Kylie Minogue's new Australian tourism video, which features a shot of the Cape Byron Lighthouse  from the Tallow Beach angle of approach and looking out at the rising sun.
Can you tell that I didn't like this tourism ad?-)
 I noticed a comment by a You Tuber named "Cock Monkey" commenting on spiders (I've lived in Australia all my life and can't remember the last time that I've heard of someone who had been bitten by a spider, never mind die from one) and it was a bar named 'The Cheeky Monkey's' that Theo was kicked out of, which I wrote about in this post -
750,000 Podcasts (And Nothing On)?
I didn't like the Kylie ad to be honest, even though Cronulla and the Sharks got a few seconds in it.
I guess that I've never been much of a fan of Kylie and her music.
Can you tell that I'm not Gay?-)
And yes, I was down in Byron Bay watching a movie about a Gay singer the same day that Theo disappeared, but I do like Elton's music, as opposed to Kylie's stuff.
Oddly enough. Elton's touring Australia now, but I didn't get tickets.
The British Government has apologised to Sir Elton John
While Australia is a fairly safe place, it might be a good idea to listen to 'The Lighthouse' podcast if you are planning a trip to Oz.
Whilst the spiders aren't really a problem, the surf can be deadly if you don't know how to read it.
I've nearly drowned once myself and I prefer the shallows if I wade into the water now.
Plus, there are sharks and other things in Ozzie waters much worse than land spiders.
Deadly irukandji jellyfish spotted near Fraser Island
But don't be put off coming to Oz, because it is a great place to visit.
And don't let the sirens scare you, either.
Starsailor Margot Robbie, Sirens, Surf Gurus and Cheeky Monkeys in the Year of the Pig?
Margot and mates celebrating at 'The Cheeky Monkey's' earlier this year

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