
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

December 14, 2019

Streetlamps: "A true version of reality is very hard to find."?

I read an ABC Virginia Trioli column where she mentioned that the song 'Streetlamps' by Harry James Angus was worth a listen and she linked to the video of Harry running around under streetlamps, in what I image was meant to be a dreamscape of Harry's imagining, which made me think about all of the streetlamps I've driven past recently that go out as I drive past them, which seemingly stay out after I've passed by, when I glance back in my rear view mirror.
And the streetlamp just outside my bedroom window has been out for two months now and waiting to be repaired by the proper authorities.
Reading the above interview at 'The Music' about what Harry was trying to convey with his song 'Streetlamps' Harry says, "We live in a layered world. I am always amazed at the ability of the human mind to choose to ignore certain realities while propping up and promoting others."
Street light interference phenomenon?
Thanks for making me think of all those streetlamps that have gone out when I passed them by Harry.
I should sleep lightly tonight as I ponder the blown streetlamp outside my bedroom window and imagine what might have caused it:-)
And thanks Virginia for connecting me to that spooky 'Streetlamps' song though this rainbow story I read a week ago that you wrote.
I might have to leave my bedside table-lamp on at night now until the streetlamp outside my bedroom window is fixed, and I might need to keep a spare bulb handy, too;-)
A kookaburra on the streetlamp outside my home
What Window Are We Going To Go Through Today?

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