
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

December 25, 2019

BREXIT: Like Rats Deserting a Sinking Ship?

Brexit: Before and After
Rats have been said to be the first
to sense an
impending disaster
Being an Australian I don't really have much of an idea of what BREXIT is all about, and quite frankly I haven't given it much thought, or have really cared about it when it comes to all of the media coverage it has received over the years down here.
But with January 2020 being the start of the Year of the Rat and after writing at post about Banksy's RAT ART I decided to pay more attention to BREXIT -
CATS Just in Time for RATS?
Ouch! That's gotta hurt, right?-)
2020 will also see Trump's impeachment, so there is another elephant in the room for the Year of the Rat, I guess:-)
From Whitley Strieber's book 'The Grays'
I've been reading
Whitley Strieber's 2006 fictitious novel 'The Grays' and came across part five in the book titled 'The Ministers of Death', with a
John Donne quote about no man being an island, and for whom the bell tolls, which made me think of the old
'Just Out of the Box' cartoon with a man stranded on a desert island making a phone call for a pizza from a red London type phone box.
So by the end of the Year of the Rat
there could be a hard Brexit?
Every Man and Woman is a Star, But No Man or Woman is an Island?
Funnily enough, throughout Strieber's 'The Grays' characters often say that to them we are just rats in a maze.
2020 and the Year of the Rat seems to be shaping into one amazing synchromystic story full of RATS and STARS don't you think?-)

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