
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

October 23, 2020

I've Been to Bribie Too, But I Haven't Been to Bali?

How Bali tourism could be crushed by Australia’s latest restrictions?
On my last trip to Bribie Island I picked up a 1998 travel book on Bali inspired from my reading about the Indonesian island in another book, 'Eat Pray Love' which I had given away with a heap of other books to the same book store.
Happiness Goes in Cycles Like Dirty Laundry?
A lot of Australians have been to Bali, but I'm not one of them.
The only country I've visited was New Zealand's north island way back in 1977 on a 10 day football tour, when I didn't need a passport to visit.
I have never owned a passport.
I wouldn't mind going back again and taking in the south island on a trip one day, but it's not at the top of my "bucket list" at the moment.
Although it might be the only place outside of Australia open to me for the next year or two, the way things are going.
Dates with Destiny?
I've never really been interested in going to Bali until I heard about the Ubud Writers Festival, and read about Ubud in 'Eat Pray Love' where Liz Gilbert seemed to be based when writing about Bali in the "Love" part of her book.
When I was reading about the history of Bali as told by Liz Gilbert in her book, I was hoping that sometime in the near future that someone like Richard Fidler would write a book all about the small island of Bali and its history.
Icelandic Sagas and Synchronicity?
Ubud Writers Festival 2020 lineup?
I'm not one for hanging around places like Kuta Beach as I'm not into surfing or swimming in the ocean, but mystical places like Ubud do intrigue me.
Although maybe not enough for me to get my ass on a plane and actually visit the place, like my youngest son has.
The Bali bombings turned me off going to Bali, and my son was over there in Bali when I met Hanabeth Luke and read her excellent book 'Shock Waves' -
Surfing the Wine Syncs
I wish I had the drive to visit places like Bali like my son and my old mate HalfaSheep, but I can't see myself going there anytime soon, if at all in this lifetime.
But who knows, right?-)
Unknown Things?
Halfasheep in Bali?
I'm kind of over writers festivals too, and have enough books on my shelves yet to read to almost last a lifetime, depending on how long I have left to live I guess?
But then again who knows, right?-)
And I never did end up buying a copy of 'Salad Days' either -
Conversations with Richard Fidler
Eat Pray Love ... Because It's Just a Ride?

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