
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

September 23, 2019

The Afterlife?

Afterlife (2018)
That escalator in the 'Afterlife' poster reminded me of that cartoon of Stephen Hawking trying to make his way up the stairway to heaven after he passed away on Einstein's birthday on Pi Day (3/14) in 2018:-)
Stephen Hawking's Final Theory: The Universe is a Hologram?
Some people probably think the theory of there being an afterlife is just all Pie in the sky, but I don't.
I'm more into the reincarnation theory myself, but who the hell knows? 
I'm sure my fundamental Christian friends will tell me that they know ... and know where I'm going to as well, right?-)
But I think they'll be as disappointed as I think they will be when they get there, too:-)
Anyway, Stephen Hawking knows the answer to that one now at least.
As I was watching 'Afterlife' on Amazon Prime on my iPad and the subject of ghosts was brought up, I couldn't help thinking of that old 'Celebrity Paranormal Project' TV show, which I also watched on Amazon Prime a few weeks back (you know where to send my money to, right Jeff?-) that featured the then very much alive
David Carradine hunting ghosts at the Hawthorne Mill.
David Carradine has been dead 10 years this year and I wonder if "ghost hunters" go looking for his ghost now?
David Carradine, Hawthorne and Tanner's Ghost?
But as David says in that episode of 'Celebrity Paranormal Project', "reality is a rumour", so what if he was right about that?
I wonder what Stephen Hawking thinks of David's hypothesis now, also?  
I guess it won't be long and I'll know, too?-)
Spooky thought that is.

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