
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

April 2, 2019

The Matrix, Dark City and April Fool's Day in the Emerald City of Oz?

Chris Knowles at 'The Secret Sun' blog brought to my attention through his latest post that 'The Matrix' turned 20 years old on March 31st, 2019.
March 31st in the USA would be April Fool's Day in Australia, since Australia is almost a day ahead of Hollywood.
Chris included a You Tube of a discussion he was involved in at the Aeon Byte site, which is the You Tube below.
In Australia where 'The Matrix' was filmed, the movie wasn't released until April 8th, 1999.
On a personal note, April 8th is my deceased father's birthday and also the date his mother (my Nan) passed away on in the early 80s.
I actually didn't know that 'The Matrix' was released on April 8th in Oz until today while I was researching this post.
Ironically, the post on this blog that has received the most hits ever and was about 'The Matrix' has a picture of my Nan holding me when I was a baby -
The Wild Ride of Fiona Johnson in this Earthly Matrix?
Me and Nan
March 31st in Hollywood would be April Fool's Day In Oz:-)
'The Matrix' was filmed in Sydney, Australia, as was the movie 'Dark City', which is a movie that seems to hold centre stage with 'The Matrix' in that Aeon Byte discussion above.
On another personal note, both my father and I have the middle name of Sydney.
Being an Australian myself, I find it amusing that both 'Dark City' and 'The Matrix' were both filmed in Sydney, a city we Aussies sometimes refer to as 'The Emerald City' because of a famous (in Australia anyway) play written by David Williamson -
"Williamson originally titled the play 'The Floor of Heaven' — robbing Sydney of its potential nickname — until the Sydney Company Theatre’s Literary Manager Brett Sheehy suggested Emerald City, referencing that other great land of Oz (the one with wizards and witches rather than world-class beaches).
Williamson then added this line of dialogue: 

The Emerald city of Oz.
Everyone comes here along their
yellow brick roads looking for the answers to their problems and all they find are the demons within themselves.
The play was adapted into a film in 1988 — including a cameo from a 21-year-old Nicole Kidman — and has been revived in several theatres in recent years.
As Sydney’s cost of living shoots through the roof, historic public housing is hawked to property developers and gentrification and over-development runs rampant throughout the city, Williamson’s critique of the Emerald City is as resonant as ever."
While I like 'The Matrix' and 'Dark City' they aren't anything like a Kubrick masterpiece like 'Eyes Wide Shut', which also turns 20 this year;-)
It's also been 20 years since Stanley Kubrick left this matrix planet;-)

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