
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

January 15, 2020

Charlie Chaplin Had Blue Eyes, Too?

Blue eyes?
I wrote a post about being surprised to read that Hitler had blue eyes after seeing Hitler having blue eyes in the film 'Jo Jo Rabbit' -
Were Hitler's Eyes Blue or Not?
Then I find out that Charlie Chaplin had blue eyes just like his doppelganger was meant to have, too.
Quote from Charles Jr. in his own book
"My Father, Charlie Chaplin"- 
"A lot of people who had never met my father, did not know he had blue eyes because they had only seen him in black and while film"
Although, all of the colour posters of the movie 'The Great Dictator' I could find at the IMDB site seemed to have Hitler with dark eyes.
But I found this colourized  part of the film 'The Great Dictator' where Chaplin gives the famous speech from the movie. 
Ironically, the man who parodied Hitler died on Christmas day in the neutral country of Switzerland:-)


  1. It's a silly thing to get obsessive about, but the more I think about it, the curiouser it gets.

    In the German movie Downfall about the last days of Hitler in the bunker, he's done by an actor with very dark eyes, dark brown or black. Which is remarkable when you think that (a) Germany is the place where Hitler was consistently described and portrayed as blue-eyed, whether that was true or not, (b) color contact lenses were easily available when the movie was made and (c) the movie is supposed to have been well historically researched. The movie poster is peculiar in that the eyes have a blue reflection on them... kind of inverted blue eyes.

  2. Yeah, it sure seems strange that one side in the history books seems to have tried to distort historical fact when it comes to just what colour eyes that wanker had.
    It's only the fact that the Nazis were obsessed with making a blue-eyed, blonde haired race and how the opposition seem to be implying Hitler had brown eyes like most of the world population, while his followers and others seem to be insisting on him having blue eyes, that makes it intriguing to me.
    I do recall an old school playground joke that was doing the rounds in the early seventies in Australia that went, "what colour eyes did Hitler have?"
    ANSWER: "Blue ... one blew that away ... and the other blew that away."
    As a kid I didn't think that it meant that that was his actual eye colour, I just thought they used the colour blue to match the word blew, as in blew his eyes out with his brains, and that the answer blue eyes was meant to make us think, hey, wait a minute weren't we told he had brown eyes(?), only to be relieved that the joke teller was only using blue/blew as a play on words, and that we weren't wrong in thinking he had brown eyes after-all, like I'm sure our teachers taught us back then.
    Frankly, I couldn't care less what colour eyes that prick had, as long as they weren't green like mine are;-)
