
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

January 14, 2020

Were Hitler's Eyes Blue or Not?

Blue eyes?!
I saw the movie 'Jo Jo Rabbit' last week and while I'm not into 
'The Mandela Effect' stuff, I couldn't help noticing Taika Waititi bending down as imaginary Hitler and showing off  Hitler's blue eyes to the camera.
The first reaction I had was that's funny, because Taika has brown eyes in real life from what I can remember.
And then my next reaction was, hey, Hitler didn't have blue eyes, did he?
Even though I'm from a Jewish mix of genes similar to what Taika and Scarlet are, I went to a normal Aussie state school where as far as I know I was the only kid in my class and probably my grade who would have been sent to a German camp if we had have all grown up in Nazi Germany during WWII.
But I think I remember my teachers telling the class how Hitler was a hypocrite, because he wanted to build a race of people with blonde hair and blue eyes, while he himself had dark hair and brown eyes.
Taika Waititi 
How Scissor-Fingers Won WWII?
But thinking back now, my teachers told me a lot of things that I discovered weren't true later:-) 
Jeepers, blue peepers, too?
Scarlet Jo with green eyes
Bizarre casting choices in 'Jo Jo Rabbit' too, I have to say, with Jewish Scarlet playing the mother of a Hitler Youth child, while an actress who isn't Jewish from what I can gather, plays a Jewish girl in the movie and Hitler is played by a Jewish actor, as well.
And what a strange movie it was.
I still can't decide whether I liked it or not.

UPDATE: January 14th, 2020
Oscars nominations: Scarlett Johansson gets double nod as critics lament return of #OscarsSoWhite
Charlie Chaplin Had Blue Eyes, Too?


  1. You got me with that one of Hitler's eyes.

    My first thought was: Surely, somebody so famous and with so many pictures of him, it shouldn't really be difficult to know what color were his eyes.

    But when I started looking into it, I realized it wasn't so easy.

    Problem is, the Nazis had a thing for blue eyes. And Hitler didn't look incredibly Aryan, so it looks perfectly possible that Nazis around him might create the legend that he had blue eyes. You could easily get away with it at a time when the vast majority of photos were black & white. And Nazis didn't have much problems altering facts when it suited them. Yes, there are lots of portraits of Hitler with blue eyes. But then, can you trust them?

    In photos, his eyes look always rather dark, which lends credence to the idea that his eyes were brown. Problem is, black & white photos make everyone's eyes look dark. I checked with old photos of Queen Elizabeth. She's got blue eyes, but in old black & white photos her eyes look rather dark. So, he could have had blue eyes.

    The sources that say that he had brown eyes are all British. But then, they had a their own propaganda motive to say it. So they could have been lying, the same that the Nazis could have been lying, and besides, how many Brits were going to ever meet Hitler in person and know? On the other hand, they didn't need to invent brown eyes to make the argument. They could have just talked about his dark hair and average height and nondescript features.

    In conclusion, a person can be well known, have lots of photos and portraits made of them, and some basic fact of their appearance can still be extremely hard to determine.

  2. I would have thought Charlie Chaplin had brown eyes, as I was looking at 'The Great Dictator' movie posters at his IMDB site where it appears to me he has brown eyes on the colour posters.
    It turns out that Chaplin had blues eyes in real life.
