
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

January 20, 2020

Why Answers To Life’s Big Questions Won’t Be Found In A Book [or This Podcast?]?

The Guy Lawrence Podcast: Why Answers To Life’s Big Questions Won’t Be Found In A Book with Shane Kelliher
Hmm ... I just saw the word "crippled" on the third line of the above notes and it reminded me of a post I wrote yesterday about another podcaster who wouldn't stop saying "cripple" instead of Kripal -
The Mysterious Universe of Jeffrey J. Cripple?-)
Greg Woke Up After Being Saved by Grace?


  1. So are you going to book a retreat Daz?

  2. No, not my kind of scene Ex.
    But I have been a part of one of Matt Omo's crystal bowl and gong meditations before a Q&A screening of 'GPS: The Movie' down in Byron Bay last year and I found it a very pleasant experience.
    And I did have a lengthy chat with Matt, Guy and the director of the movie on the night.
    I think that if you need to do such work on yourself then your soul will guide you to that work, and at this stage in my life I'm personally not drawn to it.
    But at least I know it's there for when and if I do need it.
