
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

January 27, 2020

Microdosing and the Placebo Effect?

As I wrote in my last post that I'm yet to do psychedelics in this lifetime -
The DMT Xperience Podcast?
But I have tried placebos, and they had no effect on me, probably because I knew that they were placebo pills when I tried them and I expected them to have no effect on me, which of course could well have been a placebo effect right there, I think:-)
After listening to Gordon White talk to Vince Polito in the latest 'Rune Soup' podcast, I went looking for my bottle of placebo pills I bought years ago and found them on my bookcase next to a picture of Jesus, the gang from 'The Wizard of Oz' and a couple of books on LSD and ayahuasca, which I'm yet to read.
While I like religious art around my home, my thought on Jesus is that he never really existed in real life and is just a mythological foigure who can still pack a nice Placebo effect when it comes to pointing the way to "God".
I like the effect my flash had when it reflected off the Jesus picture creating a NDE tunnel effect
I also found it nostalgic when Gordon and Vince talked about the old Theosophical Society libraries and bookshops, as I used to be a member of the Brisbane Theosophical Library and would borrow books from them when I was a teenager. 
I was never a member of the Society itself though, as I didn't really agree with Blavatsky and her teachings about hidden masters and all of that BS.
I was shocked when I found out years later that Andrew the Theosophical Society librarian and palm reader, who I got a reading off once, was jailed for murder -
Speaking About Fishy Things and Librarians
The book about Andrew Fitzherbert's alleged crime
I don't believe Andrew committed that murder though.
And speaking of Andrews, my sync-head mate pictured below is related to the man who designed the layout of Australia's capital city Canberra, who Gordon talks about in the podcast with Vince.
Canberra Connections
Andrew West Griffin (right) with Steve Kilbey
The Church (left) in Dallas
I think life is a weird enough trip just by taking placebos really:-)

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