
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

March 13, 2019

Black Mirrors and Happy Feet?

What is the significance of this penguin? 
Good Question
I wrote a recent post about how much the two birthday boys of the 3rd of March, Charlie Brooker and George Miller, liked pigs -
Black Mirror: As Happy as a Pig in Mud?
But that was before I had watched the episode of Charlie Brooker's 'Black Mirror' titled '15 Million Merits' which has its fair share of penguins, although maybe not as many as George Miller's 'Happy Feet' movies;-)
The Oz/RaINBOw Synchromystic Connection?
Don't you just love synchromysticism ... and black mirrors?
A George Miller poster in a 'Black Mirror' analysis?-)
A killer whale and a penguin on my desk
I bought a penguin data storage novelty from my local post office a while back and placed it on a shelf next to my souvenir killer whale from the Eden Killer Whale Museum and it was only then that I realized that these two animals carry similar black and white markings on their undersides.
I find this fascinating for some "wonder of nature" type of way.
The Killers and Whales of the New South Wales Coast
I hope that you found some merit in this post.
Directed by George Miller
Just don't spend it all at once, in whatever you "choose" to do;-)

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