
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

October 30, 2019

2019: Art, Life and Pop Culture Has Gone to the Dogs?

I've got to say that until this year I've never been a big fan of QT's movies, but I do count his last one as one of my favourite movies of all time.
I've seen it three times already this year at the cinema and I could still see it again and not be bored with it.
This was one time that I'm glad the movie didn't stick to the "true story" of real life events.
In 'Once Upon a Time ... in Hollywood' the Cliff Booth character feeds his dog a band of dog food called Wolf's Tooth, which comes in the flavours of rat or raccoon.
With me living in Australia I thought surely this couldn't be a real brand of dog food sold for consumption to American K9s, but who knows with the American market, right?
 After doing some net searches I found out Wolf's Tooth was one of QT's fake brands like his Red Apple Cigarettes.
 'Once Upon a Time ... in Hollywood' was one of the biggest box office smashes in Australia for 2019 and the movie 'Ride Like a Girl' was an Australian movie based on a "true story" that was one of the biggest Australian made movies to do well at the Australian box office this year -
Unresolvable Conundrums: Ride Like a Girl Flogging a Dead Horse?
I liked 'Ride Like a Girl' and would happily pay to see it again at the cinema, as I grew up going to the racetrack with my father and my Nan.
Unfortunately, for the majority of the people doing the right thing in the racing industry a major story broke on the Australian national TV network the ABC (after a two-year investigation, mind you) of the appalling practice of slaughtering healthy unwanted ex-racehorses at local abattoirs -
This was certainly a well-kept secret in the industry (not that I'm in the industry, I just used to hang around the track and have a bet, although I drifted away from all that in my early 20s, but I still like to have a bet come Melbourne Cup Day).
Inquiry launched into animal cruelty following revelations about mistreatment of retired racehorses at abattoirs
When I saw the cartoon in a local Queensland newspaper of the three brands of dog food I couldn't help but think of the Wolf Tooth brand in QT's movie that came out the same year that this scandal was aired.
Not only that, but in the same edition of the newspaper with the tinned dog food cartoon was this story in the sport section 'Beau hungry on Wolfe'?!
Horse racing in Australia had better clean up their act and how the hell is it legal to slaughter healthy horses at abattoirs in the first place in a country like Australia?
I'm a stunned as this animal pictured below, that probably ended up fox food in the end.
I can't help but think that society is becoming more and more one tragic joke.
Or that it always was one and we are just becoming more aware of what a sick joke this world really is.
It's like Halloween never ends anymore, like the sale of hot-cross buns in the supermarkets all year round ... in Australia anyway:-(
And we don't even celebrate Halloween in Australia ... 
officially anyway.

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