
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

October 21, 2019

Are You Seriously Joking Me, Romeo und Julia '70?-)

Also Known As: Die Jahre des Joker - Romeo und Julia 70?
Yesterday when I was researching Grace Kelly movies at her IMDB page, because our pineapple princess Nicole Kidman played Princess Grace in a biopic/fantasy movie -
The Pineapple Princesses of Oz?
I came across a 1969 TV show that Grace Kelly was in called 'Romeo und Julia '70' where Ol' Blue Eyes himself was billed and his daughter Tina was playing Juliet.
This TV show I had never heard of before, made in the year 'Once Upon a Time ... in Hollywood' was based in, and 50 years before this year's 'Joker' movie, a movie which features "Send in the Clowns' in its soundtrack, which all seemed to me to be very synchromystic in hindsight of the last 50 years since it was made.
Especially when the release date was May 14th, 1969 and Frank Sinatra would pass away on that date in 1998.
Tina and Nicole both share a birthday on June 20th, too.
I'll Never Get Out of This World Alive?
Sophia's birthday is on May 14th?-)
I found it eerily synchy that the two lovers in this 1969 TV show were both born in Los Angeles and that the guy who plays Romeo is Hampton Fancher, who would go on to write the screenplays for the two 'Blade Runner' movies, as well as write and direct a movie (that I had never heard of until today) that just turned 20 years old this year, called 'The Minus Man', starring a woman I met in person on April Fool's Day at Bluesfest in 2018 -
Bluesfest Easter Sunday 2018: A Fool's Journey with Something to Crow About?
This all made me think of Jake Kotze's new synch film 'Miringle' (below).
Not to forget Mars Fox's great little synch film 'Let's Get High' (below).
And a large portion of the who's who of the 60s seemed to be jammed into this 1969 TV show, RFK, Ray Charles, Christian Barnard, Tom Jones, Eartha Kitt, Sophia Loren, Timothy Leary, Connie Stephens, Richard Nixon, ex-Nazi/NASA scientist Wernher von Braun, Nancy Sinatra, Jerry Lewis, Hugh Hefner, two of the Gibb brothers and even Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
And Toni Basil was listed as the choreographer (as Tonia Basilotta) to boot.
Mind blown.
Not that I've seen this show ... or even a trailer of it, but reading about this show in 2019 after having seen the 'Joker' movie twice already, I couldn't help thinking that the Joker card must have been in play for at least the last 50 years:-)
Then again, it's probably always been in play come to think of it:-)
The Day the Music Died Recklessly?

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