
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

October 12, 2019

Fantales and Synchromysticism in the Age of IMDB?

I wrote about visiting the facade of one of my favourite Brisbane cinemas that would have been turning 90 this year if the guts hadn't been ripped out of it -
Once Upon a Time ... in the Regent Theatre?
Those photos in that post ... well the ones that weren't in the cinema displays or out of Michael T Gillies book ... I took the day I watched the 90th Academy Awards at the Elizabeth Cinemas in the street behind the old Regent Theatre -
The Oracle of Bacon, Charlotte's Web, Oprah and How Everything Truly is Connected?!
The Hilton across the road from the
Elizabeth Cinemas in Brisabne
The Regent held a lot of fond memories from my childhood and teenage movie going years and sometimes I would buy a packet of Fantales from the candy bar at the cinema.
Back in those days there was no IMDB internet site to look up movie information on Hollywood movie stars, so it was a bit of a literal treat to read about the stars while chewing away and waiting for the movie to begin.
I bought a packet of Fantales around Christmastime in 2017 for old time sake and ate all but one of the Fantales in that packet, which I kept as I was planning on writing a post about Fantales and that last one was going to be to show what a Fantales chocolate looked like.
A Fantales truly past its expiry date
 which I found in my
I pretty much gave up eating dairy products around that time, so those Fantales were the last milk chocolates I have eaten since.
Now showing on Netflix Australia
I think I was originally going to write a post about Oprah and seeing the movie 'A Wrinkle in Time', because I found the movie ticket in with the wrappers I had been saving, along with a very old chocolate Fantales that didn't look all that bad apart from the oil seeping through the wax wrapper it was in when I found it in my pantry a week or two ago.
I must say that I have to agree with that guy above with his review of the movie (even though I have not read the book yet, and probably won't either) and too be honest I don't remember much about that movie now, as it didn't really leave much of an impression with me.
I went to see it mainly to see the young Brisbane actor in the movie, as my son taught his mother how to use her Apple products when he was working for that cult;-)
I only remembered about those Fantales wrappers in their resealable bag at the back of my pantry when I read in the local newspaper about Baz Luhrmann and his wife Catherine Martin being the patrons of BIFF this year.
Judy & Punch Going the BIFF the Weekend Joker Comes Out?
And I remembered that I had a Baz Luhrmann Fantales wrapper I had saved.
In fact, I soon discovered I had two wrappers about Baz in my cupboard, because the wrapper the last chocolate I had kept was also in a Baz wrapper.
So, I was wrapped in that sync-head WTF(?) kind of way when I went to my cupboard after reading about Baz to find out Baz was on the last wrapper, along with a partial Hugh Jackman bio.
Hugh Jackman, Aleister Crowley, The Beatles and The Beast?
Considering Hugh shares his birthday of Ocober 12th with "The Beast" Al Crowley (oh, and happy birthday boys for today:-) ...  and Catherine was born on Australia Day (January 26th), you might say that the synch has hit the Fantales here?-)
Audrey Hepburn was born on May 4, 1929, by the way,
as in
May the 4th be with you:-)
Not only that, but Hugh played Judy Garland's ex son-in-law, Peter Allen in 'The Boy From Oz' and Renee Z is here in Oz promoting 'Judy' this week, which is having preview screenings in Brisbane (Oz) this weekend, with the movie starting officially next week.
'I can always do better, do more, do it again,' Zellweger says of playing Garland
And here is the kicker, Renรฉe Kathleen Zellweger was born on April 25, 1969, which in Oz is ANZAC Day:-)
Oh, and Fantales are made by Allen's:-)

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