
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

October 8, 2019

Should I Get a Never Ending Story Tattoo?

The Nothing?-)
I've been toying with the idea of getting a Chinese Luck Dragon tattooed on my left forearm for over a year now, as I've always liked the Chinese Dragon that brings in the Chinese New Year, plus I was born in the Year of the Dragon.
I wanted something like the dragon I have beneath my Chinese wall calendar in my kitchen, but as much as I like that image it just didn't feel right as the image I wanted for my forearm.
And as much as I've looked at images on the net of dragons, nothing felt right to me on a gut level.
Not me ... just some net search image
And I wanted something not aggressive looking, but still retaining qualities of a Taoist nature.
Yeah, something like that image above, but lose the fairy I was thinking, plus something not so aggressive looking.
That's when I thought, what about that luck dragon out of the movie 'The Never Ending Story'?
Something Strange Happened to Me on THE WAY out of a Taoist Temple
I've always liked that movie for the truths it contains on analogical levels.
Atreyu (Noah Hathaway) is now a tattooist?!
Quotes From The Neverending Story Tattoos
Tuesdays Are For Tattoo Fails?
Tuesdays Are For Tattoo Fails?
I actually like that so called "failed" tattoo ... maybe a personal sign for me?-)
My old teenager tattoo on my right
shoulder fading away slowly
A more recent one I got a few years back
The thing is that I don't get tattoos because of what other people think about my tattoos (otherwise I wouldn't have any) I get them for what I think of them when it comes to a reflection of my thoughts on life.
The title of this post is not a question I'm asking the reader for their opinion as to whether they think I should get one or not, the question is one I'm asking myself to consider:-)
Hey, at my age I've got nothing to worry about, right?-)
Tami Stronach as the Empress/Moon Child
I think I'll give my luck dragon green eyes like the Empress has, and I do too;-)
The Never Ending Story tattoo by Arlo DiCristina
Wolfgang was born on March 14th ... Pi Day (3/14)?!
Contact? Check! - B - Patterns In Big Apple Pi Gate?
I haven't watched that movie for a long time, but I think I need to watch it one more time with new eyes;-)
While I mull over getting a new tattoo.
Wish me luck ... or not:-) 
And here's one for all you Brisbane Broncos fans to get you through to next season, where no doubt you will encounter more sadness;-)
Quotes From The Neverending Story Tattoos
The last tattoo I got:-)
And ... 
Oddly enough, for the next two seasons while our stadium is being renovated, my team the Sharks have to play at our rivals the St. George Dragons home ground.
That's one dragon tattoo I'd never consider putting on my skin ... and never is a long time they tell me:-)
October 13th was the
42nd Wednesday of 1920
October 13, 1920/2019? But it's on a
Sunday, not a Tuesday this year.
Could be a lucky two seasons for my club in 2020/2021?
But unless you were a Roosters fan, this year turned out to be "Horses#!t", to quote Russell Crowe -
October 6th: The Final Conflict?-)
Russell Crowe was born in 1964
too, the
Year of the Dragon:-)
And really "Horses#!t" if you happened to be a Brisbane Broncos supporter:-)
Beanstalk Jack and Paper Boats?

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