
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

June 20, 2020

AFL Screen Memories?-)

My little boy back in 2002 holding the 2001 GF trophy:-)
My little boy in 2020 on a Mount Coot-tha 
 bushwalk with me
A girl eyeing him off before the Auskick game:-)
I remember back in 2002 when my youngest son was playing a game of Auskick at The Gabba when the Brisbane Lions were playing St. Kilda, and as me and him were walking back to our seats in the stand after his Auskick game we passed a shop where the 2001 AFL grand final trophy that the Brisbane Lions had just won the year before, was on display.
The 2002 Auskick game at the Gabba
Brisbane Lions vs St. Kilda 2002
I asked the shop attendant if I could just get a picture of it, as they were blocking my view of the trophy, and they said to me, why not get one of your son holding it?
I couldn't believe my luck, although I had visions of my son somehow dropping the trophy on the concrete floor and handing it back to them with a few dents in it.
Brisbane Lions vs St. Kilda 2002
I told my son last season that we need to
 make some friends in this building:-)
My son and I are pretty keen Lions fans and were planning on going to as many home games as we could in 2020, but that all got put on hold when the corona-virus put a halt to spectators attending matches.
So, when the Brisbane Lions put out a call for cardboard cutout supporters I sent in my money and the 2002 photo of my little boy holding the 2001 GF trophy.
I watched the game at home alone on free to air TV channel '7mate' and was flat-out spotting him with the angle their cameras had on the goal.
But I did spot the cutout on some 'FOX Sports' highlights on the internet after the game.
I'm not sure, but I think the Lions might be re-using the cutouts from last week again for tonight's game against the West Coast Eagles, although this week there will also be 2000 live spectators around the ground.
Alas, I will be at home again watching the game live on Channel 7, which is the TV station me and my son saw when we started our May the 12th, 2020 owl spotting walk from the carpark next door, while on the subject of screen memories -
Somewhere on Euphomet via a Search for the Owl Guy and Some Real Owls?
The Channel 7 TV tower, or just a screen memory?-)
The Brisbane Lions might not be playing the owls tonight, but the Eagles are birds of prey and I hope my son's screen memory can help the Lions tear those West Coast birds of prey apart tonight on my TV screen:-)
Mike Clelland's 4 foot owl cutout:-)
Football stadiums in Queensland
 to welcome crowds again

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