
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

June 10, 2020

Cosmic Choreography?

May 22nd was my father's mothers birthday, just sayin':-)
“The principle of synchronicity is based upon the concept that a pattern larger than the human scale already exists.
Everything and everyone is a part of that pattern and is thereby inter-connected,” Seaman said.
Seaman cites Jung, who wrote: “To know that there is an order and to be continuously aware that I am part of it, seems enough to remain in touch with spirit.”

I've never really liked the word synchronicity all that much when trying to describe meaningful coincidence to someone who might not know what the word meant, or who it was who supposedly coined the word, and why.
I thought that there had to be something a little more self explanatory to describe what Jung was trying to explain. 
Then I heard Miguel Mendonça use the words cosmic choreography when he was talking about a book that he had written with Barbra Lamb about hypnotic regressions of people who thought that they were abducted by aliens, or were alien hybrids, in a video included in this recent post I wrote -
Barbara Lamb's Hypnotic Alien Experiences and Theories?
Then when I did a web search on the words cosmic choreography I found an article by a lady who had what I thought was a somewhat Freudian sounding name to my ears of Dianne Seaman, who also mentioned the term cosmic choreography -
Synchronicity, cosmic choreography, dance their way to St. Paul’s
I was born on September 23rd ... just a cigar?-)
I also found an interesting video talk given by Dianne about the cosmic choreography she thought she had been dancing to throughout her life, at the Center for Contemporary Mysticism video page.
I also found links in my search pages to a few versions of a song called 'Cosmic Dancer', a song I had never heard of before, which Nick Cave says is one of his favourite songs.
I like to think that my life was choreographed before I danced "myself" out of the womb:-)
But my life is probably just a series of bizarre coincidences, right?-)
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