
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

June 25, 2020

Robin Landsong and the Buddha at the Gas Pump?

I have been skipping over a lot of the 'Buddha at the gas Pump' interviews lately, but this one above caught my eye and was worth watching, even though I had heard Robin tell her story on another podcast recently -
Robin Landsong- NDE Survivor and Healer?
Being a Brisbane Lions supporter I'll have to admit that the lion artwork behind Robin in the 'Buddha at the gas Pump' interview really got my attention:-)
My Brisbane Lions Indigenous jersey 
That's the only real connection I have to lions in my life, though.
As far as shamanic animals go mine would be crows, and oddly enough this weekend the Brisbane Lions play the Adelaide Crows at the Gabba in Brisbane:-)
When it comes to AFL football though, I'm no fan of the Crows or Magpies, and always want the Lions to maul them when they meet on the plains/playing field:-)
I won't be at the match this weekend, but hopefully the cardboard cutout of my son will still be behind the goals this week, as the Lions have won their last two matches with the cutouts there behind the goal ... if you know what I'm sayin';-)
Robin Landsong
AFL Screen Memories?-)

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