
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

June 6, 2020

Synchronicity: June the 6th, Owls and Aliens?

My wall calendar showing it's June 6th, 2020 today
I wrote in my last post about me listening to Chris Mackey talking about his June the 6th coincidences on Bernie Beitman's 'Connecting with Coincidence' podcast this morning, which just happens to be June the 6th, 2020 here in Australia -
Chris Mackey - The Positive Psychology of Synchronicity on June the 6th, 2020?
After writing that last post, which mentions the Strieber's family quite a bit, I see Whitley Strieber's latest 'Dreamland' podcast hits my playlist ... and on June the 6th, I might add:-)
Christopher Walken as Whitley Strieber in Communion (1989)
So I go downstairs to have some breakfast and listen to the free part of Whitley's podcast, as I'm one of those freeloaders who likes to listen occasionally, but could think of a lot of other podcasts I would rather pay money to listen to, to be honest.
27 Things Owl-Lovers Will Probably Adore
And as I'm eating my Tabasco sauce laden baked beans on toast at the dining table and listening to Whitley and his guests speculate about hybrid aliens, my nose starts running badly and I have to grab a tissue to clear out my nasal passages.
And I had to smile when I saw it was the last tissue in a box that had owls all over it:-)
Plus, I had watched Mike Clelland's new owl video this morning, as well:-)

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