
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

June 15, 2020

Healing Through Sound and Synchronicity on the Path?

I found this 'Path 11' podcast episode featuring Pati Pellerito an interesting one, especially when April Hannah recalls seeing alien beings in her sound meditation, which makes me wonder about the subjects who recall aliens under hypnosis, or psychedelic drug trips while shamans play music to the trippers.
"True" Self Through Hypnosis and Introspection with Laurie McDonald?
Path 11 and Past Lives?
I noticed that there was also a new podcast at the 'Path 11' site called 'Mind Benders' podcast where April Hannah kicks off the first episode by interviewing her father about a Jimi Hendrix synchronicity -
Mind Benders Podcast 001: An Encounter with Jimi Hendrix  
That story of April Hannah's dad's reminded me of Jen Palmer's story about the 'Rolling Stones' lips logo that Jen tells in the You Tube above.
I wonder if Jen realizes that Mick Jagger and Carl Jung share a birthday on July 26th?-)
Uploaded July 26th, 2016?-)
I'll have to blow the dust off my singing bowl and make some music sound with it now:-)
Wednesday at Woodford ... Again
And the latest 'Path 11' podcast just hit You Tube I see:-)
Is the New Age Evil?
Speaking of sound, music and aliens, I listened to this
'Somewhere in the Skies' podcast about mantis beings -
And whether the story is real or not, Ryan does know how to captivate his audience through using the repeating piano keys in the haunting background music.
Reminded me of the way music is used in the 'Lore' podcast series to tell spooky stories.

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