
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

November 18, 2019

Imagination, Illness, and Injury: Jungian Psychology and the Somatic Dimensions of Perception?

Melanie Starr Costello
Interesting talk at the 'Speaking of Jung' podcast site and especially about the mysticism of Saint Catherine of Siena, I thought -
Speaking of Jung Podcast Episode 50: Melanie Starr Costello
I didn't grow up a Roman Catholic, but I did grow up in a Roman Catholic parish named after St. Catherine Labouré and would often go the St. Catherine Church hall to play bingo with my (not so very) Protestant grandmother when I was a young boy and would attend many school fetes in the Church grounds with my RC friends from the neighbourhood.
My other Nana lived over the other side of town, and she was a Roman Catholic with a house full of religious art in many rooms, so I knew what that religion was about as far as the saints and Jesus went, even if I didn't quite understand it all when Nan would try to explain what all this religious art of hers meant.
And I guess if it wasn't for the Church being just up the road from my house, I never would have had the surreal experience of jumping over my back fence in the 80s to be with my catholic neighbours to watch the Pope head past the Church in his Pope-mobile and on to the QEII stadium.
That was one bizarre day hard for me to forget.
Saint Catherine of Siena
I guess I still have a soft spot for the saints of my youth, even though I was baptized Anglican, and even though my father and mother weren't into religion at all.
I guess it was my Nan's RC influence as to why I converted to the Liberal Catholic Church in my teenage years, even though I'm more into Buddhism/Taoism now.
I still keep a few saints medals and art around my home for old time's sake.
I just hope my home doesn't burn down this fire season.
I might have to get a St. Catherine and St. Vincent medal from the RCC supply shop?-)
Smoke and St. Vincent?!

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