
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

November 4, 2019

The Big Quiet?

This event has passed: Hollywood Foreverโ€™s 20th annual
Dia de los Muertos celebration
I listened to a podcast last Monday about 'The Big Quiet' mass meditation tour and found some of the venues and dates rather interesting, especially in hindsight -
The OG Podcast: The power of community, sharing and mass meditation with Jesse Israel
In Nashville @thebigquiet in front of a gilded statue of Athena
The Parthenon in Nashville
I don't think I would feel too comfortable at that Nashville event "meditating" to a mythical gal with an owl.
If I wanted to meditate to a mythical deity in a mass gathering, I'd head to communion at my local church more often;-)
And while on the subject of communion, wasn't October 6th, 2019 "World Communion Day"?-)
In Memoriam: Steffi Grant
Passed away on October 6th, as well?
Sad synchromystic day all round it seems on October 6th, that is bound to get those Illuminati believing loonies all fired up with more wild theories.
Especially when 'The Big Quiet' event for October 6th was held at the Masonic Lodge at Hollywood Forever cemetery:-)
The Pineapple Princesses of Oz?
I'm not into masturbation mass meditation events, but whatever floats your boat I guess.
I'd rather just head to the cinema and watch 'The Portal' and contemplate on the lives of people who aren't just show ponies in public places.
The Portal?
Call me a cynic, but there is something about group meditations that just leave me feeling empty inside:-)
And as for 'THE BIG QUIET' ... what would Jesus do I wonder?

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