
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

January 31, 2020

Fishy Jake Kotze Snake Synchs?

I saw Jake Kotze's Instagram post showing Kobe Bryant's and the World Health Organization's snake logos and I couldn't help thinking of the irony of Jake's birthday being March 17th, which is St. Patrick's Day.
The saint who was rumoured to have chased all of the snakes out of Ireland, by the way:-)
Kobe Bryant/Daddy's Home/Australia Day?
Formed in 1948, the Year of the Rat:-)
Then I saw this story pictured above on the national Australian news site about the death of an Australian man named WINSTON Fish in Tasmania, which reminded me of the Winston Smith character played by John Hurt in a film based on a book which took place in the Year of the Rat '1984' and reminded me of a few synch films Jake Kotze had made titled HURT-
Man who died after snakebite in Tasmania found with serpent 'tangled around his arm'
1984 was the Year of the Rat and Winston Smith
 was the
STAR afraid of RATS
1984 was the Year of the Rat, by the way:-)
Coronavirus infection: everything you need to know about the outbreak from China
Jake also posted this Instagram about actress Zoe Kazan, who starred in 'The Big Sick' and 'The Kindness of Strangers'.
'Snakes on a Plane' director David R. Ellis died in Africa in January 2013 and was born on September 8th.
Grimes was also born on March 17th, St. Patrick's Day.
Gwyneth was born in 1972 the Year of the Rat, by the way:-) 
Paltrow Learns of 9/11 Sliding Doors Moment (story from ABC News site)

The Mystical Underground Podcast?

My friends Trish and Rob MacGregor from the 'Synchrosecrets' blog started a podcast this week called 'The Mystical Underground' and in the first episode Rob and Trish tell how they met, and it involved the teaching of English to Cuban refugees in Florida.
I thought it was rather synchromystic that an earthquake from the "mystical underground" shook Cuba and the US state of Florida within a day or two of them uploading the podcast.
An earthquake has struck in the Caribbean Sea to the south of Cuba and northwest of Jamaica, causing weak tremors in Florida and SINKHOLES in the Cayman Islands.
According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), an earthquake with a magnitude (M) of 7.7 was felt on January 28, 2020, at 2:10 p.m. EST.
The epicenter was 125 kilometers north northwest of Lucea, Jamaica, with USGS reporting that the earthquake itself was felt in places such as Key West, Florida”

And what a time for Trish to have a cold/virus, right at the start of Chinese New Year (the Year of the Rat) just as the Corona-virus is starting to spread world-wide.
Coronavirus: Crown = “Corona” in Latin?
Interesting podcast logo too.
Is that meant to be the sun’s
CORONA showing in a solar eclipse?-)

Trish told me,"We sent Megan some pics of what we thought might make a good logo – beautifully lit caverns, caves, that kind of thing. This was the result. I love it. I like your take on it, Daz!"
Prince Harry and the Year of the Rat?
Also with the podcast producer’s name being Jon Posey and Trish having a cold virus made me think of the children’s nursery rhyme ‘Ring, a Ring o’Roses’ and the lyrics about a plague –
A ring, a ring o’ roses,
A pocket full o’
Atishoo atishoo we all fall down
A pocket full of Poesy?-)
There was even talk in the Mystical Underground podcast that travel increases your chance of experiencing synchronicity:-)
And on the subject of the mystical underground, I find these news stories below rather synchromystic, knowing just how much Rob and Trish like writing about Trump:-)
Synchromysticism, can you dig it?-)

Coincidences on the PATH of the EmPATH’s Journey?

I listened to the latest 'Connecting with Coincidence' podcast this morning featuring Ritu Kaushal titled -
CCBB: Ritu Kaushal - Coincidences On The Path Of The Empath’s Journey
That spider web post of Ritu's reminds me of this old post of mine -
What is My Idea of "God"?
And that story about the spiders in Greece covering that church reminded me of the custom of old Greek widows wearing black to show off their widow status -
Ladies/Women in Black and the Weird Sync-web of the Spider-verse?
Nicholas Hammond in 
Ladies in Black (2018)
Nicholas Hammond 
as Spider-man
Nicholas Hammond 
as Spider-man
The web of empathy?

Coronavirus: Disneyland, Starbucks and IKEA Shut Down Across China?

RATS spelled backwards is STAR:-)
I find it synchromystically amazing that those three companies are shut down in China in the Year of the Rat, which has only just begun.
Coffee and the Siren's Song
A STAR is Born?-)
Coronavirus: Disneyland, Starbucks and Ikea among attractions and firms shut down across China
Coronavirus: Crown = “Corona” in Latin?
The Crown: All the World's a Stage?