
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

December 1, 2019

’Australien Skies 3: Search for the Min Min’?

I listened to Don Meers talk about his new movie ’Australien Skies 3: Search for the Min Min’ on the 'Mysterious Universe' podcast yesterday and then watched it on Amazon Prime.
I didn't have to pay for it, as it was covered by my monthly payment to the Amazon Prime service.
Would I pay for it otherwise you ask?
I liked it, but no I wouldn't think it was worth paying any extra for.
Min Min Lights
There is a lot of good in-formation on the Min Min lights in this film, plus the cinematography is quite good, but I do have to question the theatrics, "luck" and sincerity of Don's as a filmmaker having watched all three of the Australien Skies films.
I guess they would all make great viewing around a campfire at night, as it would beat having to tell scary stories to each other;-)
Don being a guest on a show like the 'Mysterious Universe' seems a great match to me, as I can never tell how sincere those guys are either when it comes to looking for the truth or just making a quick buck from their listeners.
At least the townsfolk interviewed in Don's film seemed sincere. 
I heard Don being interviewed on another podcast called 'Believe' about his AS3 film in the You Tube below and while I do question Don's motives about making his film, I have no doubt the phenomena are real and that there is a lot more to it than mirages.
Living in Queensland myself, although never having ventured that far north or west in the state myself, I have run into people who have seen these lights and are very sincere when recalling their own encounters with these lights.
There are also other You Tubes worth watching about speculations and tales of just what the Min Min lights are, such as Sheryl Gottschall's lecture at UFO Research Queensland, which the boys at MU have also linked at their podcast site.
And this film below of a truck driver driving through the outback, including the towns featured in AS3, while devoid of actual Min Min lights, does give you an idea of what it looks like out there. 
Everyone likes a good story I guess and with the Min Min lights you get lots of good ones.
’Australien Skies 3: Search for the Min Mincertainly is a visually beautiful film that captures what a trip to the outback would be like, whether they really did capture the Min Min lights on film though is another story, I guess.

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