
" Synchromysticism:
The art of realizing meaningful coincidence in the seemingly mundane with mystical or esoteric significance."

- Jake Kotze

April 13, 2020

The MAD World of Mort Drucker?

Mad magazine illustrator Mort Drucker dies at 91
A note sounded on a hunting horn
when a deer is killed?
Tarot card 20/20?
Speaking of Jung with Sherene Vismaya About 2020, Tarot Archetypes, Astrology, Judgement ... and Dreams?
I find the passing of Mort Drucker eerily synchromystic for a number of reasons from my POV right now.
I was a big fan of MAD and Cracked magazines as a teenager, but to be honest I never knew who Mort Drucker was until I read a post at 'The Hidden Experience' blog where Mike Clelland asked for a sign from the universe because like most of us right now (not me though) he was "feeling adrift"
If you spell MAD backwards you get DAM:-)
Hidden Experience: Thanking Mort Drucker
Forward by Michael J. Fox?
Dream Waiver (2019) ... Michael J. Fox (voice)
"Being drawn by Drucker became a kind of show business rite of passage, with Michael J. Fox once telling Johnny Carson that he knew he had made it when he appeared in a Drucker cartoon."
The News-Times
I find it odd that Wikipedia states Mort passed away on April 9th, but Mort's IMDB page states he passed away on April 8th, 2020, which was my father's birthday BTW and the anniversary of my Nan's passing.
I wasn't born until '64:-)
Mort was the 'American Graffiti' poster designer (uncredited) according to his IMDB page, and I find it an interesting question posed to the movie goer on that poster of "where were you in '62, because I certainly weren't in the body I'm in now ... so yeah, where was I?-)
'American Graffiti' was released on August 11th?! 
I Wonder if Chris Hemsworth Still Wants to Play This A#sehole?
Small MAD synchy sad world it seems sometimes?
Another Froggy Evening 
(Mort was a special character designer)
'Another Froggy Evening' was theatrically released in the USA with City of Angels (1998).
Hmm .... maybe Mike should watch that cartoon below?-)
Can owls grow to be 4 foot tall?-)
Can frogs grow to be 4 Foot tall?-)
Here is a bit of trivia Mike Clelland might like -
"Michigan J. Frog is depicted as being the size of a normal sized frog, however at the end of the cartoon he is the same size as Marvin the Martian when they sing their duet."
No More Dancing in the Streets ... for a While?
Two huge frogs flying across my path at Australia Zoo?-)
That You Tube goes for 9:11 minutes?!
Mort died on April 8th/April 9th which
was pretty much the
Super Pink Moon
A Super Pink Moon on April 8th?
French/English translation of 'mort'?
Chynna Dies on the Date of the Super Pink Moon?
Life is a journey, and not a destination I guess hey Mike?-)


  1. Weird. I've now got a synchro with the word Mort.

  2. And I've got a synchro with the word weird in a post coming up soon:-)
    Stay tuned Trish.
    Although I still haven't written up those two lighthouse posts I promised you and Rob I was going to post a week or two back.
    So many posts to write and such little time to write them.
